Increasing the Jurisdiction of the New York City Civil Court

You can vote Yes or No on this ballot proposal, which would amend the New York State Constitution.

What You Will See on the Ballot

The proposed amendment would increase the New York City Civil Court's jurisdiction by allowing it to hear and decide claims for up to $50,000 instead of the current jurisdictional limit of $25,000. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

Proposal Summary

The New York State Constitution currently limits Civil Courts to hearing and deciding claims up to $25,000. Only the New York State Supreme Court can currently hear and decide claims over $25,000. This proposal would amend the New York State constitution to allow Civil Courts to also hear and decide claims up to $50,000.

If Ballot Question #5 Passes

  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to allow Civil Courts to hear claims up to $50,000.
  • Judges of the New York City Civil Court and New York State Supreme Court would all be eligible to hear and decide claims up to $50,000, allowing more judges to address a backlog of cases that has grown during the pandemic.

Statements for and against the proposal

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선거관리위원회(BOE) 웹사이트에 방문하여 주소를 입력하여 투표소를 찾으세요.

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핵심 날짜

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