Why is this election happening?
Diana Richardson 전 하원의원은 Brooklyn 자치구 부대표로 일하기 위해 이 자리에서 사임했습니다. 이 보궐 선거로 공석인 하원이 충원됩니다.
What does the New York State Assembly do?
The State Assembly is the lower chamber of the State Legislature. There are 150 members. Assembly members write and vote on legislation, approve state budgets, and uphold or override the Governors’ vetoes.
Learn more about the State Assembly
Which neighborhoods are in this district?
Assembly District 43 includes parts of Crown Heights, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, and Flatbush.
Find your State Assembly district
What’s in Assembly District 43?
Cultural institutions include Medgar Evers College, New York City Health + Hospitals/Kings County, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, and the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Candidates on the ballot:
- Mesidor Azor | Republican, Conservative
- Brian A. Cunningham | Democratic
https://cunninghamforny.com/ | info@cunninghamforny.com - Jelanie Deshong | Working Families
https://jdforassembly.com/ | info@jdforassembly.com